Plugin Tag: crm
CRM in Cloud for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)Synchronize your WordPress/ WooCommerce site with CRM in Cloud exporting users and orders in real time
Agile CRM Forms
(0 total ratings)Agile CRM is an all-in-one, affordable and next-gen Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software with marketing, sales and service automation
Logic Hop HubSpot Add-on
(0 total ratings)The Logic Hop HubSpot Add-on brings the power of personalization to WordPress with HubSpot.
RocketBolt for WordPress
(4 total ratings)A zero-coding install of RocketBolt's contact tracking service into Wordpress websites.
Agile CRM Landing Pages
(0 total ratings)Agile CRM is an all-in-one, affordable and next-gen Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software with marketing, sales and service automation
Signpost Sync for WooCommerce
(1 total ratings)The only WooCommerce plugin to automatically sync your WooCommerce users to your Signpost CRM dashboard – in real time!
Meta Counter For Groundhogg | An Counter Action Extension
(0 total ratings)A Free Extension for Groundhogg: Adds an action that lets you count any funnel step and stores it in a chosen meta field.
(1 total ratings)RainmakerMoxie (BETA-limited support) is an interactive sidebar widget. Enter an email address and it displays a photo, name, social links and more.
(4 total ratings)We make Customer Engagement easy. Engage and convert all your online site visitors via Email, notifications, Live-chat, helpdesk and more.
Agile CRM Webrules
(0 total ratings)Agile CRM is an all-in-one, affordable and next-gen Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software with marketing, sales and service automation
Agile CRM Newsletter
(0 total ratings)Agile CRM is an all-in-one, affordable and next-gen Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software with marketing, sales and service automation
Gravity Forms Mad Mimi Add-on
(3 total ratings)> This plugin requires the amazing Gravity Forms plugin and a Mad Mimi account.
Banckle CRM
(0 total ratings)Banckle CRM Wordpress widget allows you to quickly collect leads using Contact Capture Form right from your blog. Your website visitors do not even ne …
Revamp CRM for WooCommerce
(1 total ratings)Connect your store to your Revamp CRM account to track sales, create targeted emails, automate workflows, store all customer info in one place , and m …
Woowup Abandoned Cart
(0 total ratings)WoowUp: We are the omnichannel and predictive Retail CRM, which allows stores to make database intelligence, create segments and set triggers.
WP Centrico
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows you to manage the subscription to centrico, your users will be registered in centrico and will receive your newsletter.